Are you willing to risk it all be FREE?

Did you know that there are women in the Bible like you and I? No, I’m not talking about those #Boss women who have no fear and do big thangs, I’m talking about US. The girls with “issues”.
Yasssss hunny! Those women in the Bible had issues too. Some of them even lived as outcasts — shunned, avoided and felt alone in their suffering. BUT, there was a Women who was tired of suffering in silence. She decided to risk it all to be healed. In the midst of a large crowd, as Jesus was heading to heal a young child, this #Unashamed woman took her shot. She didn’t care that the people would talk about her, laugh at her, and whisper behind her back. She stood among the crowd, in all her shame, and told Jesus her issue. And on that day she heard the words that freed her, "Daughter, … Go in peace and be freed from your suffering" (Mark 5:34).
I don’t know about you, but when I came to Christ, I didn’t know there were women who were stuck in shame, fear or feelings of unworthiness.
Just like me.
I had no idea taking the risk to share my story would lead to my healing, and my future life in ministry, walking other women, hand-in-hand, to Jesus.
What about you?
Every one of us has an "issue" that needs Jesus’ healing touch. Will you go to Jesus and risk it all to be free? I want to help. Leave me a prayer request and let me walk this healing journey with you!
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